Email for any questions.
My Personal Transformation
Me at 21 year old untrained VS 34 years old with a few thousand hours of training
All My Old Recordings When I Was A Beginner Aged Between 18 to 21
Student Beginner Becomes Intermediate
Student, Gray, at the start of his singing lessons VS after 100 lessons
Student Intermediate Becomes Advanced
Student, Armand, in his first lessons as an intermediate, then after 40 lessons achieves his dream voice
What Do I Sound Like Live
Test Yourself
Outside of the foundational skill of staying in key, on time and on pitch with all the lyrics, below are some sound examples from songs of the different skills you learn to sound like the advanced RnB singers do.
- Singing Pitch Trainer (SPT)
- Amazing Slow Downer (ASD)
- Transpose Extension for Chrome/Edge
- 4XCamera
- Chord ai
- Songsterr
- Metronome
Singing Pitch Trainer (SPT)
This is a tool I developed myself to train singers to sing any phrase or exercise with excellent stability and strength, by allowing them to see their voice on screen as they sing, as well as using speed, key, loop and other modifications to perfect notes.
Watch The Video Below And Then Click Here To Learn More About Singing Pitch Trainer
Amazing Slow Downer App (ASD)
To maximise your productivity during our lessons, watch the below 10 minute tutorial I have created for you, taken from my singing course. You can get the lite version if you aren’t ready to purchase the full version. Full version costs approx $20.
Android Full Version Android Lite Version
Apple Full Version Apple Lite Version
Transpose Extension for Chrome (Computer Only)
Visit to get this tool, which allows you to modify pitch and speed of YouTube videos from your computer, as well as make loops and stores them in memory under your google account using the Chrome browser.

Record and sync multi video performances. Eg harmonize with yourself, or play and instrument on one video and sing on another.

Chord ai
Figures out and displays the guitar/piano/ukelele chords to any song you choose from Youtube or a file on your device in real time and is highly accurate.

App / WebApp
Guitar tabs for learning chords and melodies to popular songs uploaded by users. Great tools such as looping difficult parts, slowing down, changing key.

Get the notes and / or chords to many popular songs, for use with Singing Pitch Trainer for example.